Game Sessions

Skills Evidence Focus for Sessions

  • SESSION 6 TEAM FOCUS: Create a simple game or game element that allows each member to genertate enough evidence for their individual session requirements. This session is portfolio building. Create a functioning game menu with evidence of your individual efforts.
  • SESSION 5 TEAM FOCUS: Create a simple game or game element that allows each member to genertate enough evidence for their individual session requirements. This session is portfolio building.
  • SESSION 4 TEAM FOCUS: Functioning interactive menu, tutorial, and end credits. End credits will showcase all student work evidence. Fountain of Youth example.
  • SESSION 3 TEAM FOCUS: Incorporate at least 1 collision based game mechanic and 1 trigger based mechanic.
  • SESSION 2 TEAM FOCUS: At least one mouse position based mechanic
  • SESSION 1 TEAM FOCUS: make a one button game


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Programmer / UI / Heads Up Display

  1. Create the game logic flowchart (menus and scene transitions) -
  2. Show evidence of using Vertical or Horizontal Layout Group Components with at least 2 Layout Elements.
  3. Have evidence of custom menu events (selection, activation, deselection).
  4. Define what information is known to the player, to the game code but not the player, and any randomly generated information (if applicable). Salen + Zimmerman Unit 2: Section 17 (p. 202 - full section).
  5. Identify postive or negative feedback systems (Salen + Zimmerman Unit 2: Section 18, p. 218 - End of Section).
  6. Use canvas groups to manage main menu.

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Programmer / Level Artist / World Builder

  1. Create the GDD
    1. Build GDD sections in dundoc.
    2. Name with all of your team members' first names.
    3. Share with Mr. Le Duc, ([email protected])
    4. Create time management & analog prototyping (flowchart of gameplay) - Have documentation of your time management (journal) and a flowchart of the game logic. (
  2. Ensure there is only one copy of each Scene in your game.
  3. Generate dynamically at least one component of your level(s).
  4. Build one world element that interacts with the player (no specific interaction type required but it must modify gameplay).
  5. Identify the rules of your game. (Salen + Zimmerman Unit 2: Section 13, p. 142-145).
  6. Use tile maps

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Programmer / Character Artist / Things That Move in the World

  1. Add to GDD sections in dundoc.
  2. Create all objects that will move during gameplay, make sure they are based on the game's style, genre, and color scheme.
  3. Make obvious idle/ moving/ game over states for the player object.
  4. List objects, their attributes, and their relation(s) to other objects for player(s)/ bot(s)/ etc. (Salen + Zimmerman Unity 1: Section 5, p. 51).
  5. Determine if your game is an open or closed system and which of the three system types best fit your game. (Salen + Zimmerman Unit 1: Section 5, p. 53-54).
  6. Implement trigger-based animations.

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Programmer / Sound Designer / Composer

  1. Generate a list of sounds for the game environment, characters, and other assorted elements.
    1. Make in dundoc
    2. For each sound file include
      1. Title of the file
      2. Detail how you will make the sound
    3. Research how to generate your sound effects
    4. Share this information with Mr. Le Duc ([email protected]).
  2. Adjust equalization & consistent audio levels - Have evidence of EQ settings (screenshots) and consistent levels in the game.
  3. Learn (and show with documentation + examples) all about Audio in the Unity Manual.
    1. The Unity Manual
    2. Learn about Editing with Audacity for audio editing and WAV file exporting.
    3. Learn about Music for films and games.
    4. Show evidence of Inserting AudioClips into AudioSources and playing/ stopping them programmatically. 
  4. Create at least two mechanically triggered sound effects.
  5. Define how audio helps set the games context. (Rogers, p. 22-23).
  6. Use BFXR and FMOD for sound generation

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Lead Programmer

  1. Add to and edit the GDD mock-ups of the menu structure.
    • Write and check grammar of the GDD Sections in dundoc.
  2. Identify which mode of interactivity is dominant in your game and justify why you chose it. (Salen + Zimmerman Unit 1: Section 6, p. 59).
  3. Provide proof of daily Collab synchronization. (Unity Collab)
  4. XML tag code "///" and comment your code "//"
  5. Create one to three sentence descriptions of each script, BEFORE YOUR WRITE ANY CODE, turn in the descriptions before entering production
  6. Have evidence of debugging code; using the Unity debugger

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