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Capital High School’s science curriculum is designed to create scientifically literate citizens. They will understand science and engineering as more than a body of knowledge; it is also a process of understanding the natural world to be utilized to innovate solutions.  Our students will be active learners who have access to all science and engineering standards.  A student must complete three years of science in order to cover all the Next Generation Science Standards required by the State of Washington, the standards covered by the Washington Comprehension Assessment of Science. (Administered Junior Year).  The attached Science Course Pathway will help students choose which courses will best suit their academic interests.


science course pathways layed out in a series of circles


Alicia Boisvert

Science: Room I7
[email protected]
(360) 596-8200 

Nara Brombach

Biology and Physical Science: Room I9
[email protected]
(360) 596-8140

Shannon Dixon

Plant Biology CTE, Horticulture:  Room I10
[email protected]
(360) 596-8157

Jacqui Hall

Science: I8
j[email protected]
(360) 596-8252

Melissa Johnston

Science/Math: Room I6
[email protected]
(360) 596-8206

Mandy Machut

Science: Room I5
m[email protected]
(360) 596-8212

Yelena Myakisheva

Physical Science: Room I3
[email protected]
(360) 596-8143

James Sobotka

Physical Science, Physics: Room I2
[email protected]