Counseling Staff Contact Info

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Capital High School Counseling Center

Our primary mission is to empower all students to make informed and intentional decisions regarding their education, their health, and their future.


The students are assigned to a counselor as a freshman and keep that counselor all four years. Students will be assigned to a counselor based on their last names. CHS counselors are listed below with their portion of the alphabet and contact information. How do you make an appointment with your counselor? Use the link provided by each counselor below to make an appointment (Zoom or in person), call their extension directly, call Mrs. Chipman the Counseling Dept secretary @ 596-8027 to schedule a time, or email them.

Brandi Swortz, MA  Brandi Swortz

[email protected] 

A – Fi Counselor

To schedule an appointment, click HERE

Brandi Swortz graduated from Pierce College with a BA in Dental Hygiene.  She was a dental hygenist for a number of years as well as having coached middle and high school cross country and track.  She obtained a Masters degree in School Counseling from Adams State University. 

Nicole Sande, MA

Nicole Sande

[email protected]

FL - H Counselor

To schedule an appointment, click HERE


Nicole Sande graduated from Western Washington University with a BA in Physical Education and received a Masters in Guidance and Counseling from St. Martin's University.  She has taught Health and Physical Education at the high school level.

Joel Komschlies, MA

Joel Komschlies

[email protected]

I - Ph Counselor

To schedule an appointment, click HERE

Joel Komschlies graduated from St. Olaf College with a BA degree in Psychology. He then obtained a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from St. Martin’s University.

Benfield headshotStephanie Benfield, MA

[email protected]

Pi - Z Counselor

To schedule an appointment click HERE 

Stephanie Benfield graduated from Western Washington University with a BA in Sociology and Psychology.  She then obtained a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from St. Martin's University.

Jody ChipmanChipman Portrait


Counseling Professional Assistant

Sarah Sadlemyer

[email protected] 

Senger Portrait

Amy Cline

[email protected]   

Chemical Dependency Counselor

To schedule an appointment click HERE

Kim Senger

[email protected]


School Social Worker