MLA Works Cited Format & Examples
Basic Style Guidelines:
Center the title (Works Cited) at the top of your page
Set all margins to 1”
Use Times New Roman 12 font
Double space the entire document, both between and within entries
Alphabetize the list by author’s last name OR the first word of the entry (ignore The, A, An)
Use hanging indentation; after the first line, indent each subsequent line ½” (tab)
If required by your teacher, web addresses are inside angled brackets (< >) with hyperlinks removed so that the URL/web address appears as regular text
Dates are listed by day, abbreviated month, year with the exception of May, June, and July.
Works Cited on a Database
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Name or Initial. "Title of Article." Original Source Title, Number/Volume, Publication date, page(s). Database Title. Medium. Date Accessed. <URL (only if required by your teacher)>.
Example: Melikian, Janet. “Cleopatra’s Daughter.” School Library Journal. 56.2, 2010, 137. Ebscohost. Web. 12. Feb. 2010. <>.
Works Cited Only on the Web
Author/Editor/Compiler. “Title of Article.” Title of Overall Website. Publisher or sponsor of site, Date of publication (day, month, year or n.d. if none given). Medium. Date of access. <URL (only if required by your teacher)>.
Example: Spinks, Sarah. “Inside the Teenage Brain: Adolescents and Sleep.” Frontline. PBS, 2010. Web. 5 Mar. 2010. <>.