Welcome to the CHS Library
For books/ebooks, click on "Library Catalogs" in the left-hand side navigation column.
For databases, click on "Research".
For Noodletools and annotation help, click on "Citation & Annotation"
How to put real books on hold! video.
How to get ebooks and audiobooks via Sora video.
Reading Selections
(click image below)

"The mission of the CHS library program and its teacher-librarian is to
develop the abilities of our students, staff, families, and community to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and effective users and producers of ideas; teach digital citizenship and media literacy skills; encourage a love of reading; and advocate for a more equitable, diverse,
and inclusive society.”
Student Hours: 8:25 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Contact us:
Kristi Bonds, NBC Teacher-librarian, [email protected], 360-596-8037
Trisha Lagerwey, Library Secretary, [email protected], 360-596-8038