Jan. 10, 2025 Newsletter

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Jan. 10, 2025 Newsletter


Capital High School capitol dome logo with text established 1975 and


Capital High School Family Communication 

January 10, 2025



Upcoming Events

  • January 17,18, 23, 24, 25 - Winter Drama Production
  • January 20 - MLK Holiday - No School
  • January 29, 30, 31 - First Semester Finals - Special Schedule
  • January 31 - Last Day of First Semester
  • February 7 - Pep Assembly


Exciting Scholarship Opportunity for Capital High School Students! 

If you're enrolled in Mr. Scott Le Duc's Video Game Development course, we have some AMAZING news for you.


DigiPen Institute of Technology is offering a $19,860 per year scholarship to students who earn an A in this class and apply to DigiPen for the 2025-26 academic year. That's $79,440 over 4 years towards your college tuition!


This scholarship is available for students pursuing degrees in:

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Game Design
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Machine Learning
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Ready to level up your future in game design, computer science, or AI? This is your chance to jumpstart an exciting career at one of the top schools for game development and tech!


How to Qualify

  1. Get an A in Mr. Le Duc's Video Game Development course.
  2. Apply to DigiPen Institute of Technology for the 2025-26 academic year.
Let's make your dreams of creating the next big game or cutting-edge tech a reality!


CHS Theatre Production


Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap, the longest-running play of all time, is taking Capital Theatre by storm on January 17th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, and 25th!

PLOT SUMMARY: After one of the most lurid murders of the century, Monkswell Manor offers a safe haven for Londoners to rest in luxury. When a snowstorm traps the guests and staff together in the manor, it soon becomes clear that one of them is the killer. A detective arriving on skis interrogates the increasingly suspicious suspects: the proprietors of the hotel; a hyperactive man running from his past; an older woman who dislikes all she sees; a mysterious retired Army major; an aloof young woman with a horrific childhood; and a man of unknown origin who shows up to the manor after claiming his car turned over in the snow. This ever-lasting murder mystery features one of the most impactful surprise endings of all time from Dame Agatha Christie, the foremost mystery writer of her time.


  • January 17th (Cast A): 7 PM
  • January 18th (Cast B): 2 PM
  • January 18th (Cast A): 7 PM
  • January 23rd (Cast B): 7 PM
  • January 24th (Cast A): 7 PM
  • January 25th (Cast B): 7 PM

Tickets can be bought at the door or online at https://olympiasd.booktix.com/dept/CapitalHS

The show is performed at Capital High School's Performing Arts Center: 2707 Conger Ave NW, Olympia, WA 98502.


Olympia Schools Supportive Education Council

Do you have a student receiving support through an IEP or 504 plan? Please join the Olympia Schools Supportive Education Council (OSSEC) throughout the school year for resources, community building, and a welcoming space to share ideas!

OSSEC is similar to a PTA/PTO designed for families, students, and staff supporting OSD students with disabilities from birth through post-high school programs, but without any fundraising or volunteering requirements usually associated with a PTO. We have planned a mix of social events and informative meetings to create community, advocate for our students, and share resources!

Save the date for the next virtual OSSEC meeting on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 6pm! Our guest speaker will be Helen Cadart, a special education advocate from the SEALK12 organization. Helen will be doing a presentation on navigating the special education system to get the best outcomes for students and families. We hope to see you there!

Please email [email protected] with any questions, follow us on Facebook, and join our email list here to get meeting reminders and zoom links.


Spring Sports Registration

We will be opening registration for spring sports on February 1.  Spring sports include: baseball, fastpitch, boys golf, girls golf, boys soccer, girls tennis and boys/girls track.

First day of spring practice will be Monday, March 3.

Boys Baseball will be offering a Baseball Winter Clinic (ages 7-14) on February 1st for $30.  Please contact [email protected] for additional information.


Save the Date!  9th-11th Information Night

9th-11th Information Night is an event hosted by CHS Counselors to help students make registration decisions for next school year. There will be several presentations throughout the event including International Baccalaureate, College in the High School, 4 year college applications, Community/Tech school applications, Running Start, New Market, Apprenticeships, FAFSA, AVID, etc. 

The event will be on Wednesday, February 12th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm starting in the PAC. 


Counseling Center News

As we approach the end of the semester, please note the following important dates and information:

  • The last day of the first semester is Friday, January 31st.
  • Second semester classes begin on Monday, February 3rd.

We encourage all students to check their Semester 2 schedule in Skyward as soon as possible. If you notice any errors or need to request a schedule change, please complete the Class Schedule Change Form  using the link below and return to the Counseling Center. Please know that MOST classes are already at capacity and changes will be difficult.

Important Deadlines:

  • Schedule changes must be submitted to the Counseling Center by Friday, February 7th.
  • Please note that any changes made after February 7th may result in a failing grade being recorded on the transcript.

If you have questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the counseling office.


Removing Your Student For An Appointment                      

Advanced notification to the attendance office saves disruption to the teachers, students and staff in trying to locate the student on short notice.

  • It is very important to understand that a parent/guardian must call in advance AND the student must sign out AND back in with the Attendance Office.  If your student leaves campus without prior authorization, their attendance will be considered UNEXCUSED.
  • PLEASE CALL the attendance office at least 1-2 hours in advance to arrange those details - the earlier the better!
  • State your student’s name, spelling the last name.
  • State the type of appointment: Doctor, Dentist, Legal, Professional etc…
  • State the time you would like your student released.


Tutoring and Homework Help

Tutoring and Homework Help is provided every Wednesday from 2:40 to 3:25 in the CHS Library. Support for all subjects will be offered. Students are encouraged to bring their chromebook and any assignments they would like additional support to complete.

School transportation is not available at 3:25 on Wednesdays so students will need to arrange to be picked up or take the city bus home. 


Community Connections

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

  • January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Every year since 2010, the President has dedicated the month to raise awareness about human trafficking and to educate the public about how to identify and prevent this crime.

Locally, The Family Justice Center serves survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking.  If you or someone you know is currently experiencing intimate partner violence, you are not alone. Confidential advocates are available to help explain what options are available for individual situations and provide support. All services provided are free of charge.

  • If you need help due to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or trafficking, please call our office at 360-754-9297 x 200 for assistance M-TH from 9am-5pm and Fridays from 9am-2pm.

OSD Resources for Youth & Families

  • Looking for information about support groups, crisis lines, help with meals or bills, social and emotional wellness, or parent support?  You can find all that and much more here at our Resources for Youth and Families webpage.


News from the CCRC

Happy NEW YEAR From the CCRC!

All CHS Students, this includes Running Start students: 

This is a reminder that all students have tasks to complete in SchooLinks (our High School and Beyond Platform) It is found in the To Do List (Go Home, Dashboard and To Do list can be found at the top of SchooLinks. If you have any questions, please visit the CCRC or make an appointment with Mrs. Smith as soon as possible.

All Seniors: Class of 2025! You made it to 2025-graduation is coming close...Here are some things to Remember:

Remember to complete ALL of the  tasks in the To Do List  (found on your Dashboard that is located on the top of your SchooLinks account) and your Personalized Plan (found in SCHOOL, then Personalized Plan on the left side of your SchooLinks account). If you are having trouble with SchooLinks, please make an appointment with Mrs. Smith in the CCRC, as soon as possible. Once you are completed in SchooLinkst then we can get you scheduled for your Senior Exit Interviews. 

Remember to remove colleges that you are not wanting to apply to in SchooLinks, Also, if you haven't already put your colleges in SchooLinks, then you need to do so as soon as possible, if you are wanting information to be sent from Capital High School, like transcripts, etc. This can not be done without adding your colleges in SchooLinks.

Remember to breathe and take mental and physical pictures of this last part of the year...It will go fast. 

Also, remember to thank those who have helped you and most of all, remember to take care of yourself. YOU GOT THIS! And we are here to help!


OSD Notice of Non-discrimination