Oct. 11, 2024 Newsletter

Capital High School Family Communication
October 11, 2024
Upcoming Events
- October 16 - School Photo Retakes
- October 16 - IB Testing Information Night
- October 17, 18, 19 - Fall Theatre Production
- Week of October 21 - PSAT
- October 26 - Homecoming Dance
- October 29 - Fall Choir Concert - 7:00 p.m.
- November 5 - CHS Parent Organization Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
Homecoming - Chaperones Needed
Homecoming will be October 26th! We will need lots of parent chaperones for the dance, which will be held in the CHS gym from 8pm-10:30pm. Please email Katie Turcotte at [email protected] if you are able to help this Haunted Hoco go off without a scare…
CHS Fall Theatre Productions - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE: https://gofan.co/app/school/WA23174
October 17th, 18th, and 19th at 7 PM & October 19th at 2 PM at the CHS Performing Arts Center
Plot: Set in a magical forest outside of Athens, this fantastical story follows four young lovers who flee into the forest in pursuit of love and freedom. Unbeknownst to them, they would soon be entangled in magical meddling, love potions, transformations, and more! Meanwhile, a group of amateur actors rehearse for an upcoming play to be performed at the Duke’s wedding. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is sure to give you a night bursting with love and laughter!
Community Connections
Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties is dedicated to addressing the systemic issues of poverty and promoting health and well-being. Programs focus on Health, Housing, Energy Assistance and Weatherization. Energy Assistance appointments are available starting October 4th, 2024
(800) 878-5235
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
SafePlace provides free and confidential services to people who have experienced all forms of sexual violence, abuse and intimate partner domestic violence.
24-hour/7 days a week HelpLine - (360) 754-6300
Thurston County Family Justice Center serves survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking. Confidential advocates can provide: safety planning, crisis support, shelter & housing advocacy, support in filing civil protection orders and court accompaniment.
360-754-9297 x 200
International Baccalaureate Testing Information Night
- Wednesday, October 16th
- Pod A
- 5:30 Full Diploma Students/ Parents
- 6:00 Anyone considering testing in courses
- Information about the Value of Testing, Registration, Costs, and more!
- General IB information is covered in the spring when students are choosing courses; the focus here is primarily on making informed choices about exam registration.
- Questions? Email Amelia Young: [email protected]
Homecoming Dance Information
- Homecoming will be Saturday, October 26th from 8-10:30 pm at the Capital High School Gym
- Must have ID and ticket for entry into dance. No entry after 9 and no re-entry.
- Students can purchase tickets before and after school, ten minute break and at lunch. Tickets will NOT be sold at the dance.
- Tickets are sold individually
- $20 with ASB
- $25 without ASB
- Last day to purchase tickets is October 25, 2024, 3:45.
- If you are taking a guest to Homecoming, please make sure and submit a completed Guest Pass form. Turn in the completed form with a guest ID to the front office. Guest pass forms are in the Main Office, ASB Office and Athletics Office.
- Completed Guest pass forms are due by Wednesday, October 23rd.
- We are looking for volunteers to help chaperone the dance. Please email [email protected]. It's a really fun time and a great way to get involved in our school community!
- Go Cougs!
Library News
On Wednesday during advisory, CHS students discussed how to be civil communicators online. This is a lesson titled "We are Civil Communicators" from Common Sense Media. Civil online communicators can use the acronym C-O-O-L when things feel uncomfortable:
- Calm. Take a deep breath and relax before engaging.
- Open-minded. Consider ideas that are different than yours.
- Only focused on the ideas. Separate your judgments about who people are from what they're saying.
- Listening actively. Aim to understand the person's ideas, experiences, and emotions.
If you'd like to continue the conversation at home, please see this family resource page (Spanish version)
Winter Sports Registration
We are excited to announce our new sports registration platform Final Forms.
Please follow these following steps when registering your student:
- Parents/Guardians along with your student, register at: https://olympia-wa.finalforms.com/ and follow the prompts to create your account. You and your student must sign the forms.
- Upload a current sport physical to the portal.
- Once you submit the registration go to the OSD Payment Portal.
- Payment for all sports is $125 plus an ASB payment of $40 which is all required at the time of registering your student for a sport (except Boys Basketball). ASB is purchased once a year. Both fees are waived for free and reduced students.
- Please make your payment using the OSD Payment Portal, https://wa-olympia.intouchreceipting.com/
- Your student is not considered “cleared” until you receive a confirmation email from Final Forms, signed by Athletic Secretary, Kathy Cognasso.
Bowlers must be registered by November 4, 8:00am.
Gymnasts must be registered by November 12, 8:00am
All other sports must be registered by November 18, 8:00am
Any questions regarding sports should be directed to the coach.
Winter coaches are:
Hansen Elementary Volunteer Opportunity
We are looking for 8th-12th graders who would like to volunteer to read stories (preselected by our librarian) to our students from 6pm-8pm in the Hansen gym. They would have 2-3 students at a time to read with. HCC will provide documentation of the volunteer hours. Please sign up here to volunteer.
Girls Bowling Team Information
- Join the Girls' Bowling Team
- Pre-Season Team Meeting: Thursday, October 31 at 3:35 in Room A12
- Come find out about this LIFE CHANGING OPPORTUNITY!
CHS Yearbooks on Sale
CHS yearbooks are on sale for $65. Please see the ASB office to purchase a yearbook.
Senior Class Meeting Information
Senior Information: If you missed the senior class meeting or senior parent night, please review the documents on the Senior Information website
CHS Student and Family Resources
Please click HERE to learn more about how CHS can help students and families in need.
Picture Retake Day - October 16th
October 16th is picture retake day for students that missed original day pictures, new students to the school or any student that ordered and would like to have a retake photo. If you would like to purchase your student's portraits, click below to pre-order their portraits today!
You can also purchase by visiting our website at: www.oconnorphotographystudio.com
If you have any questions or need assistance, please give our studio a call at 1-800-993-4929
News from the CCRC (Career and College Readiness Center)
High School and Beyond Plans: Are for all students. SchooLinks is our new High School and Beyond Plan Platform.
For Seniors
Mrs. Smith has been in the Social Sciences classes this past week, giving lessons to your Senior students about how to access SchooLinks. They learned to add Colleges and Careers to their lists and the tasks they need to complete for their High School and Beyond Plan for their Washington State Graduation Requirements. Please feel free to ask your students what they learned and if they missed anything, please remind them they can come get help from the CCRC and ask Mrs. Smith for help.
Oregon State University (OSU)
8:30 am-9:30am-One time only
Smith in Senior English Class: Resume in Street/House
Washington State University (WSU)
CCRC During Lunches All students invited
University of Washington -Tacoma
CCRC During Lunches All students invited
University of Washington-SEATTLE (UW)
CCRC 12:40-1:30 pm ONLY one session MUST SIGN UP WITH MRS. SMITH
Western Washington University
SDSU and CAL POLY-California Application Help
During Lunches12-1:30pm
Utah University (UU)
CCRC During Lunches All students invited
NIGHT EVENT: St Martins HOSTING at 5:30 pm
Willamette University
CCRC 12:30-1:30 pm ONLY one session MUST SIGN UP WITH MRS. SMITH
Seattle University
CCRC During Lunches All students invited