Sept. 20, 2024 Newsletter

Capital High School Family Communication
September 20, 2024
Upcoming Events
- September 25 - Senior Information Night, 5:15 p.m., PAC
- September 25 - Open House, 6:00 p.m., PAC
- September 25 - Senior Class Meeting During Advisory
- October 4 - Non-Student Day - No School
- October 12 - PSAT
- October 16 - School Photo Retakes
- October 17, 18, 19 - Fall Theatre Production
- October 26 - Homecoming Dance
- October 29 - Fall Choir Concert - 7:00 p.m.
Picture Retake Day - October 16th
October 16th is picture retake day for students that missed original day pictures, new students to the school or any student that ordered and would like to have a retake photo. If you would like to purchase your student's portraits, click below to pre-order their portraits today!
You can also purchase by visiting our website at:
If you have any questions or need assistance, please give our studio a call at 1-800-993-4929
After School Activity Bus - The “Brain Train”
The after school activity bus, the Brain Train, is back and running this year 4 days a week (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) The bus will show up between 4:10 - 4:20 at the bus loop. Please see the drop off schedule: .
Bus Stops for Brain Train.
PSAT - Week of October 21st
Attention Juniors! The PSAT is right around the corner, offering a fantastic opportunity to prepare for the SAT and qualify for National Merit Scholarships. The test will be held during the week of October 21 during school hours. Once you register, you'll be assigned to a specific session during that week.
Sign up at the ASB office between now and October 10. The cost is $35, but free scholarships are available, just ask! Don’t miss out on this important step toward your academic future!
To register, visit the ASB office. Go Cougs
CHS Athletic Ticket Sales
- Tickets for admission to home games can be purchased using GO Fan.
- Students need to make sure to have an ASB sticker on their student id card to enter the stadium, free of charge.
As a reminder when attending games at Ingersoll Stadium
To ensure the safety and enjoyment of those attending games, the following procedures are in place.
- All bags, backpacks and containers will be subject to search prior to entering the stadium.
- No liquids or drink containers will be allowed to be brought into the stadium.
- No skateboards, skates or bikes are allowed in the stadium.
- Students leaving the stadium may not re-enter.
Please remember that all Olympia School District facilities are tobacco, alcohol, other drug and weapons free areas.
Open House and Senior Information Night - Wednesday, September 25th
Join us on Wednesday, September 25th, for Senior Information Night at 5:15 p.m. in the PAC.
Followed by an all-grades Open House at 6:00 p.m. in the PAC. This evening will give you a chance to meet your student’s teachers and learn more about our school. We look forward to seeing you there!
Community Connections
OSD Secondary School Social Workers
The OSD Secondary School Social Workers are excited about the new school year and are looking forward to working with families and students. If you could benefit from the assistance of a secondary School Social Worker, please contact your school and review our webpage.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
We can all help prevent suicide. Every year, organizations and individuals across the U.S. and around the world raise awareness of suicide prevention during September, National Suicide Prevention Month.
Below are National Organizations with information on suicide prevention.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Also, see the
OSD Resources for Youth and Families for suicide prevention hotlines.
Senior Information Night
Senior Information Night for Parents will take place on the same evening of Open House. This will be in the PAC from 5:15pm to 5:45pm just prior to the open house welcoming messages. If you are a senior parent and would like to know more information about upcoming events and deadlines please attend this event.
Senior Meetings with Counselors
Mandatory Senior One on One Check In with your Counselor will start September 26th and end October 3rd. In this meeting Counselor will discuss remaining graduation requirements, post high school plans, and to sign the senior gown. ALL GRADUATING SENIORS for the Class of 2025 MUST schedule a 30-minute one on one meeting with their Counselor AFTER September 26th. Please see the Counselor website to schedule your appointment.
News from the CCRC (Career and College Readiness Center)
The CCRC hosts a lot of events throughout the year. Please remind your student to listen to the daily announcements and check this newsletter for important College and Career events/opportunities during the year.
Events for this week
- September 16th: Portland NACAC field trip opened-sign up in the CCRC-it is on a 1st come 1st served basis.
Deadline for the Permission slip to be turned into the CCRC is October 1st. BUT remember it is a 1st come 1st serve basis, so once the slots are full, even if before the 1st of October, then the event is FULL.
- September 24th:The Army Reserve will be in the Commons during lunches
- September 25th: Pacific Lutheran University will be in the CCRC during lunches
- September 25th: SENIOR INFORMATION NIGHT in the PAC at 5:15pm
- September 27th: University of Oregon will be in the CCRC during lunches
Events for October: (more will be added)
- October 1st: Oregon State University Visit in the CCRC BEFORE SCHOOL 8:30am-9:30am
- October 3rd: Washington State University visit in the CCRC during lunches
- October 7th: University of Washington Tacoma visit in the CCRC during lunches
- October 10th: University of Washington Seattle visit in the CCRC at 1:30-2:30pm (ONLY one Session Available) Please sign up with Mrs. Smith for this event.
- October 15th: Western Washington University visit in the CCRC 12:30-1pm ONLY one Session available
- October 17th: Linfield University Visit in the CCRC during lunches
- October 23rd: Utah University visit in the CCRC during lunches from 11:50am-1pm
- October 23rd: San Diego University and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and information about how to apply to California schools only available at 12:30pm-1:30pm in the CCRC
- October 25th: Willamette University visit in the CCRC during lunches
- October 28th: Juniors and Seniors who signed up for All day Field Trip to NACAC (first come first serve basis, paperwork due to Mrs. Smith on October 1st)
High School and Beyond (Just one of the Washington State Graduation Requirements)
SCHOOLINKS is our new High School and Beyond Platform this year. SchooLinks took the place of Naviance.
SchooLinks will be used by ALL CHS students for the following reason:
1. All Students will have the opportunity to take Self Discovery Surveys, List Career and Future Goals, Create Resumes/list activities and do their state required High School and Beyond Tasks.
2. Seniors: will use SchooLinks to add their Colleges and will match their Common App accounts to SchooLinks so CHS can send transcripts to colleges and Teachers and Counselors can upload Recommendation letters.
3. To access SchooLinks students can go to the OSD Portal and click on SchooLinks (under the Curriculum tab) and log in their Clever-Google account.
Mrs. Smith and the counseling team will be helping students with their SchooLinks throughout the year. Students are always welcome to ask Mrs. Smith for help in the CCRC.
Athletic Department News
The athletic schedules can be found at:
Our league, Puget Sound League information can be found at:
Purchase tickets for home events:
Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program
Please see the link below for information about the Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program for seniors planning on attending college next year::