Chemistry: 2018-2019
Ms. Hall Room I-3
Welcome! My goal for you in this class is simple: that you will become thoughtful, contributing members to society. Understanding the world around us is critical for making informed decisions. With this in mind, this course is intended for you to gain understanding about the physical world and to gain skills that will enable you to make informed decisions using available resources.
This is a lab class, with assignments and projects aimed at tying in real-world applications.
What math skills do I need for this course?
Upon arrival, students should be able to:
Write numbers in scientific notation
Be able to use a scientific calculator recognizing order of operations
Rearrange algebraic equations to isolate variables
Solve algebraic equations with missing variables
If you are enrolled in Algebra II or a higher math course, these skills should have been covered.
Materials Required: Composition book and scientific calculator. Recommended: Three-ring notebook in which to organize your notes, homework, and labs. Access to Schoology account. I will have computers available for in class use, and you can access the library’s computers or my computers before and/or after school if needed.
Topics to be covered:
Measurement 2) Properties of Matter
Periodic Trends 4) Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Naming and writing formulas for chemical compounds 6) Chemical reactions
7) Stoichiometry 8) Phases of Matter
9) Energy 10) Nuclear Reactions
Grading Scale Weighting of Grade
A 93% C 73% 50% tests and quizzes
A- 90% C- 70% 40% labs and activities
B+ 87% D+ 67% 10% homework/classwork
B 83% D 60%
B- 80% F less than 60%
C+ 77%
Attendance is, of course, mandatory. Student absences have a negative impact upon grades.
In this course it is particularly important to be present and engaged as much as possible. Much of the information and understanding will occur during class time. Interaction with the materials and classmates is very difficult to replicate on your own; missing class will likely result in limiting your learning.
District policies on attendance and make-up work will be followed in this course.
What is the policy on makeup assignments, labs, and tests?
It is the student's responsibility to request makeup assignments.
Assignments are due in a time equal to the number of days absent + one extra day. Follow posted guidelines for turning in make-up work. In the case of laboratory work, this may be impossible to provide, depending upon the availability of materials and the complexity of the experiment.
Late work: Late work will be accepted for 85% of the original score total. I will accept late work up until the start of the next unit.
Make-up tests: If you are absent only the day of the test, you will take the test the day you return. If you are absent for a few days, you have a week to make up the test, quizzes and any labs you missed.
Makeup laboratory assignments and exams must be done at times other than when the class meets. This may be before or after the student's regular school day. It must be done by prior arrangement with the teacher. No pass or excuse will be given to miss another class to do makeup work.
Make arrangements with Ms. Hall to makeup a missed lab AS SOON AS YOU RETURN!
Tests and quizzes can be revised. The revision process will be discussed in class. This must take place in Ms. Hall’s classroom outside of class time within ONE week of seeing your results.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES will result in a ZERO for any assignments, labs, quizzes or exams missed.
The Capital High School tardy policy will be followed.
Behavioral Expectations
*All Capital High School rules will be enforced. See your student handbook for a list of these rules.
Mature, respectful behavior is a requirement for this class to run effectively (and safely) and for each student to have a successful learning experience. Students who respect and choose to follow behavioral expectations help to maintain a positive learning environment. My classroom expectations are as follows:
Be prepared: students are expected to come to class with all required materials and be in class on time
Be respectful: students are expected to respect themselves, others, instructors and materials.
Be safe: irresponsible, deliberate behavior will not be tolerated in the lab setting. All students have the right to a safe learning environment.
Required Materials:
The following need to be brought to class each day:
Composition Notebook. I will frequently give you problems and questions to answer at the beginning of the class. Labs and notes will also be taken in the composition notebook.
Additional notebook/paper for notes/homework assignments. *I recommend using a 3-ring binder to organize your work in this class and in your other classes.
Scientific calculator (does not need to be a graphing calculator)
Lab Safety:
This topic will be covered in much more detail shortly complete with a handout and contract. Safety is the top priority in lab. We will be working with a variety of harmful substances throughout the course. You will be given instructions prior to each lab—ask questions if you are unsure about anything. Negligence or horseplay on your part will result in your removal from this class for the period and possibly for the rest of the semester—this is serious!!
Here are some basic lab rules:
Always wear your goggles!
Follow directions
No horseplay
Absolutely no FOOD or DRINK
Extra Help
On most days I am at the school by 7:15 am and leave around 3:30. Students are always welcome to come in for additional assistance. Chemistry involves the application of problem solving skills and can be difficult for some students. The hard work will pay off and I am here to help you! It is important that students come in for help throughout the course rather than wait until the day before an exam or the final weeks of the semester—by that point it will be too late!
Contact information
Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, etc. The best way to reach me is via email. You can call my voicemail or leave a message with the main office.
Email: [email protected] *preferred
Classroom Phone: 596-8252